Current Projects

Master Billing Meter Project

Pleasant Hills Authority will be installing twelve (12) Master Meters within its service area for the purpose of measuring actual sanitary sewage flows.  This information will be used for billing purposes to the Boroughs of Pleasant Hills, Baldwin and Whitehall and the Township of South Park.  These Master Meters will not be used for direct billing to residential or commercial properties, which will continue to be based on water consumption at a rate set by the individual municipality.  Bids were received for the project on October 25, 2022 and the Authority issued Bonds on December 7, 2022 in the amount of $3.71 million to pay for the project.  On December 14, 2022, Contract One - General was awarded to W.A. Petrakis in the amount of $2,274,600 and Contract Two - Electrical was awarded to Right Electric in the amount of $315,000.  The Notice to Proceed was issued to the contractors on March 1, 2023. Construction was delayed waiting on the meters. Construction began in January 2024 and the final two (2) meters were installed in February 2025. The project is currently being closed out. 

Trojan UV Rebuild Project

The existing Trojan UV 4000 System is no longer supported and must be replaced to maintain the UV disinfection requirements at the treatment plant.  Pleasant Hills Authority is contracting with Kingdom Technology Services to upgrade the UV system including new controls, lamps and quartz while keeping the structural elements from the Trojan UV system.  This process saves money by not having to make any structural changes to the building as would be necessary if installing a totally new UV System.  This project began in January 2025 and should be complete in the 3rd Quarter of 2025.